What Do Investment Bankers Do? [And their Daily Lifestyle] (2024)

Investment banking is often perceived as a mysterious, thrilling, and intellectually challenging field. At the forefront of this exciting landscape stand investment bankers, professionals who advise corporations and governments on how to accomplish their financial goals.

In this article, we will unravel the intricate world of investment banking and the dynamic role of an investment banker.

Table of Contents hide

1. Understanding Investment Banking

2. Who is an Investment Banker?

3. The Day-to-Day of an Investment Banker

3.1. Morning Routine: Monitoring Market Trends

3.2. Client Meetings and Calls: The Power of Communication

3.3. Research and Analysis: The Backbone of Investment Banking

3.4. Negotiating and Closing Deals: The Thrill of the Game

3.5. After Hours: Continuous Learning and Networking

4. Key Roles and Responsibilities of an Investment Banker

4.2. Capital Raising and Underwriting: Fuelling Business Growth

4.3. Sales and Trading: Bridging Buyers and Sellers

4.4. Restructuring: Saving Companies in Distress

5. Investment Banker’s Responsibilities based on Seniority/Position

5.1. Analyst

5.2. Associate

5.3. Vice President (VP)

5.4. Managing Director (MD)

6. The Impact of Technology on Investment Banker’s Role

6.1. Artificial Intelligence (AI): Enhancing Efficiency and Decision Making

6.2. Blockchain: Revolutionizing Transactions and Settlements

6.3. Fintech: Redefining the Financial Landscape

7. Skills and Qualifications Required for an Investment Banker

8. Pros and Cons of Being an Investment Banker

9. Conclusion

10. Frequently Asked Questions

Understanding Investment Banking

Investment banks serve as intermediaries between corporations that need capital to operate & grow, and investors who seek to profit from investing in these corporations. Functions of investment banking extend from underwriting new debt and equity securities to facilitating mergers and acquisitions.

They have a significant influence on world markets and economies. For instance, the role of investment banks was highlighted during the 2008 financial crisis when they played a crucial part in the economic recovery process.

Who is an Investment Banker?

Investment bankers are financial advisors for corporations and, in some cases, governments. They use their expertise in financial markets to guide their clients through large financial transactions. It could be as diverse as assisting a newly minted tech startup go public or advising a multinational corporation on buying a smaller company.

To become an investment banker, one typically starts with a bachelor’s degree in a finance-related field. While many investment bankers have MBAs, this isn’t a hard and fast rule. The financial industry values experience and skill above all else.

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The Day-to-Day of an Investment Banker

Investment banking is often described as a high-intensity, fast-paced career that’s as demanding as it is rewarding. The phrase “time is money” couldn’t be more relevant for investment bankers whose days are filled with meetings, data analysis, financial modeling, and constant interaction with clients.

Morning Routine: Monitoring Market Trends

An investment banker’s day often begins before the sun rises. The early start is crucial as global markets run round-the-clock, and staying updated with overnight news and market movements is essential. For example, an important announcement from a Japanese tech firm could impact the US tech industry’s performance, a crucial piece of information for an investment banker involved in tech M&A deals.

Client Meetings and Calls: The Power of Communication

After a quick scan of the market trends, the investment banker dives into a series of meetings and conference calls. These could be internal strategy meetings or client discussions. The agenda might range from progress updates on current deals, negotiation strategies, or pitching new business proposals. Investment bankers must have excellent communication skills, as they need to present complex financial data and concepts in a simple, understandable way.

Research and Analysis: The Backbone of Investment Banking

A substantial part of an investment banker’s day is dedicated to financial analysis and research. They may pore over a company’s financial statements, market data, and industry reports to prepare company valuations and financial models. For example, if an investment banker is working on an M&A deal, they would need to conduct a detailed valuation of the target company, including its assets, liabilities, revenue, and growth projections. All this information is crucial to advise clients accurately and to ensure that their financial decisions are based on sound data.

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Negotiating and Closing Deals: The Thrill of the Game

Perhaps the most exciting part of an investment banker’s day is the negotiation and deal closure. This could involve intense discussions, strategic planning, and high-stakes decision-making. Every negotiation is different, and each deal has its unique challenges, making this part of the job particularly thrilling.

After Hours: Continuous Learning and Networking

Once the workday concludes, an investment banker’s learning continues. They may attend industry events, networking dinners, or continue studying for advanced certifications like the CFA or MBA. After all, investment banking is an industry where continuous learning is the norm, not the exception.

In a nutshell, the day-to-day life of an investment banker is a blend of analysis, communication, strategic decision-making, and relationship management. Despite the long hours and high-pressure environment, many investment bankers thrive in this intense atmosphere, drawn to the intellectual challenge and the thrill of closing big deals.

Key Roles and Responsibilities of an Investment Banker

The responsibilities of an investment banker are as varied as they are critical, revolving around offering strategic financial advice and services to clients. Depending on their specialization, investment bankers can wear many hats – from being a meticulous analyst to a strategic advisor. Let’s dive into some of the key roles:

Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A): From Strategy to Execution

In M&A, investment bankers guide their clients through the intricate process of merging with or acquiring other companies. Their involvement often starts at the very beginning, where they help in identifying potential acquisition targets or suitable partners for a merger. They conduct a thorough financial analysis to ascertain a fair valuation for the deal.

Example – One remarkable M&A deal was the acquisition of Time Warner by AOL in 2000, worth approximately $165 billion – one of the largest in history. Investment bankers on both sides worked diligently to facilitate the complex merger, scrutinizing financials and strategizing deal structures. However, it also serves as a lesson on potential pitfalls, as the merger, plagued by post-deal management and cultural clashes, ultimately unraveled.

Capital Raising and Underwriting: Fuelling Business Growth

Investment bankers play a pivotal role in helping companies raise capital through issuing securities – either debt or equity. This process is known as underwriting. They perform a thorough analysis to recommend an optimum capital structure for the client and determine the pricing for these securities.

Example – A well-known underwriting story is the Facebook Initial Public Offering (IPO) in 2012. Led by investment bankers from Morgan Stanley, J.P. Morgan, and Goldman Sachs, the IPO was one of the biggest in tech history, valuing Facebook at $104 billion. The investment bankers faced a herculean task managing investor expectations, regulatory scrutiny, and an unfortunate technical glitch on NASDAQ on the day of the listing.

Sales and Trading: Bridging Buyers and Sellers

In the sales and trading division, investment bankers act as intermediaries in the securities market, connecting buyers and sellers. They maintain relationships with institutional clients, pitch investment ideas, execute trades, and manage portfolios.

Example – An example highlighting the importance of this role is the Black Monday market crash in 1987. On that day, the Dow Jones Industrial Average dropped by a whopping 22.6%. Amidst the market chaos, sales and trading desks at investment banks were the epicenter of activity, managing frantic clients and facilitating trades, thus playing a vital role in market liquidity.

Restructuring: Saving Companies in Distress

When companies face financial distress, investment bankers can come in as strategic advisors for restructuring. They offer services that can involve altering the company’s capital structure, downsizing operations, or even guiding the company through bankruptcy procedures.

Example – A classic example is the restructuring of Chrysler in the late 1970s. The automobile giant was on the brink of bankruptcy, and it was with the help of investment banks that they could negotiate for loan guarantees from the US government, eventually turning around the company.

Investment Banker’s Responsibilities based on Seniority/Position

Let’s delve deeper into the progression ladder in investment banking, and what do they do under the various roles, responsibilities, and key milestones.


Investment banking careers traditionally start at the Analyst level, fresh from undergraduate programs. Analysts are the workhorses of investment banks, tasked with plenty of quantitative work such as building financial models, conducting company research, and preparing client presentations. The hours are long and the work is intense, but this is a crucial learning phase.


After three to four years as an analyst or post an MBA, you could ascend to the Associate level. Associates have more client interaction, manage analysts, and take on a greater role in deal execution. It’s a role that requires a balance of analytical rigor and people management skills.

Vice President (VP)

A few years of experience as an Associate can lead to the position of Vice President. VPs play a significant role in deal execution, managing both associates and analysts, and working closely with clients. They’re often the point person on many deals, responsible for ensuring everything goes as per plan.

Managing Director (MD)

As we move up the ladder, the roles become more about client relationships and less about analytical work. Directors and Managing Directors are primarily responsible for winning new business for the bank, building client relationships, and overseeing deal origination and execution.

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The Impact of Technology on Investment Banker’s Role

In the era of digital transformation, investment banking is not immune to the winds of change. Technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI), Blockchain, and Fintech are reshaping the way investment bankers operate. Let’s explore how:

Artificial Intelligence (AI): Enhancing Efficiency and Decision Making

AI is altering how investment banks handle vast amounts of data. Through machine learning algorithms, investment bankers can analyze financial reports, market data, and industry trends more quickly and accurately.

Example – For instance, JPMorgan Chase’s AI program, COIN (Contract Intelligence), can review legal documents in seconds, a task that previously took thousands of hours of human work. This frees up investment bankers to focus on higher-value, strategic tasks.

Blockchain: Revolutionizing Transactions and Settlements

Blockchain, the technology underlying cryptocurrencies, holds immense potential for investment banking. Its ability to provide a secure, transparent, and decentralized record of transactions can revolutionize various areas, including settlements and smart contracts.

Example – R3, a consortium of over 200 financial institutions, is developing Corda, a blockchain platform designed to manage, record, and synchronize financial agreements between regulated financial institutions. If successful, this could dramatically speed up settlement times, reduce costs, and enhance security.

Fintech: Redefining the Financial Landscape

The rise of Fintech companies is challenging traditional investment banking norms. These firms leverage technology to offer faster, more customer-friendly financial services, forcing investment banks to reassess their business models.

Example – Robo-advisors, for instance, offer automated, algorithm-driven financial planning services with little to no human supervision. Investment banks are now either building their own robo-advisors or partnering with Fintech companies to meet evolving client expectations.

Skills and Qualifications Required for an Investment Banker

A blend of hard and soft skills are necessary to excel as an investment banker:

  • Academic Qualifications: A degree in finance, economics, or a related field can provide a solid foundation. An MBA or a professional certification like the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) designation can enhance career prospects.
  • Hard Skills: Investment bankers need a deep understanding of financial modeling, financial instruments, markets, and regulations. They must also be adept at analyzing data and using software tools prevalent in the industry.
  • Soft Skills: These professionals require excellent communication and negotiation skills as they interact frequently with clients and other stakeholders. They also need strong problem-solving skills and the ability to work well under pressure.

Pros and Cons of Being an Investment Banker

Investment banking offers a rewarding, albeit challenging, career. Here’s a snapshot:


  • Lucrative Pay: Investment banking is one of the highest paying jobs in the finance industry.
  • Intellectual Challenge: It provides continuous learning opportunities and intellectual growth.
  • Networking Opportunities: Investment bankers interact with top executives and industry leaders, which can be beneficial for long-term career growth.


  • Long Hours: Investment banking is known for its grueling work hours.
  • Stress: High stakes and tight deadlines can make the job highly stressful.
  • Work-Life Balance: The demanding nature of the job can affect work-life balance.


Investment banking is a challenging and rewarding career choice. Whether managing billion-dollar mergers or helping a fledgling startup secure its first round of funding, investment bankers are at the heart of major financial transactions worldwide. As they help shape the course of businesses and economies, these professionals find themselves in a career that’s as fulfilling as it is demanding.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What are the main roles of an investment banker?

The key roles of an investment banker include guiding clients through mergers and acquisitions (M&A), raising capital via securities (underwriting), trading securities, and aiding in company restructuring.

What are the daily responsibilities of an investment banker?

Daily tasks involve financial modeling, market research, client meetings, deal negotiations, and strategic financial advisory.

What Do Investment Bankers Do? [And their Daily Lifestyle] (2024)


What is the role of an investment banker in the day to day life? ›

An investment banker's duties can include the following tasks: Performing financial research. Developing financial models to value debt and equity for transactions, mergers and acquisitions. Conducting valuation methods.

What does an investment banker do for a living? ›

Investment bankers help their corporate clients secure funds in the capital markets, act as financial advisors, and occasionally help companies navigate mergers and acquisitions. Investment banker positions vary from entry-level to high-level executive. Investment bankers are highly valued in the corporate world.

How do you answer what do investment bankers do? ›

Investment banking is the business of raising capital for companies and providing advising services on financing and merger activities. Thus, for example, a company will approach an investment bank when it needs to raise capital or when it needs advice in negotiating and structuring an acquisition of another company.

What does a banker do on a daily basis? ›

Bankers buy and sell securities or commodities in investment and trading firms, or provide financial services to businesses and individuals. May advise customers about stocks, bonds, mutual funds, commodities, and market conditions.

What is the lifestyle of an investment banker? ›

Long Hours: Investment banking is known for its grueling work hours. Stress: High stakes and tight deadlines can make the job highly stressful. Work-Life Balance: The demanding nature of the job can affect work-life balance.

What roles do banks play in your day to day life? ›

They are places to store money, make basic investments like term deposits, sign up for a credit card, or get a loan. Behind this mundane view, however, is a highly regulated system that ties our day-to-day banking back into the wider financial system.

What does an investment banking analyst do on a day-to-day basis? ›

Investment bankers meet with clients, send emails, prepare offers, conduct financial projections, work on signing new clients to the company, providing initial public offerings (IPOs), and mergers and acquisitions. These are some of the tasks an investment banker must do on a daily or weekly basis.

Do you have a life as an investment banker? ›

Investment banking is one of Wall Street's most coveted roles. It is also one of the hardest. It is no surprise that the average day in an investment banker's life is long and stressful. Those who manage to survive the adjustment period often go on to have long and financially rewarding careers.

How much do investment bankers work a day? ›

How Many Hours do Investment Bankers Work? Investment bankers work notoriously long hours, with the typical work week filling in 60-80 hours per week, and the occasional high-intensity work week that can push a banker to 100+ hours.

What would I do as an investment banker? ›

An investment banker acts in an advisory capacity, help clients raise money from capital markets in order to expand their businesses. They also have a role in pricing capital, ie. deciding the cost of the money companies need to raise from investors.

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They take in deposits from consumers and businesses, and then lend out the money to companies or consumers. But the duties of investment banks are quite different. Instead of taking deposits, investment banks sell securities.

What key role does an investment bank play? ›

In essence, investment banks are a bridge between large enterprises and the investor. Their primary roles are to advise businesses and governments on how to meet their financial challenges and to help them procure financing, whether it be from stock offerings, bond issues, or derivative products.

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Bankers, also known as retail bankers, interact with clients on a daily basis by assisting with services such as setting up checking and savings accounts, authorizing loans, and moving money. They also counsel clients on banking products and services. Reach over 250 million candidates.

Do bankers have work life balance? ›

When a deal is in its critical phases, the workload intensifies significantly, requiring bankers to put in extra hours to meet tight deadlines. These peak periods can last for weeks or even months, during which work-life balance is often the first casualty.

What is a live deal in investment banking? ›

Live deal services provide a platform for real-time collaboration among key stakeholders. Investment bankers, clients, legal advisors, and other relevant parties can communicate seamlessly, breaking down traditional barriers and expediting the decision-making process.

What do investment banking analysts do on a daily basis? ›

Many articles about investment banking say that as an Analyst, you'll be “in charge of Excel and PowerPoint deliverables, administrative tasks, and responding to requests from clients and potential clients.”

What is the job duty of investment banking? ›

What does an investment banker do? An investment banker is an individual who helps clients raise profits through their financial services, which include issuing debt and selling equity. Investment banking services include mergers and acquisitions, private equity transactions, IPO and so much more.

What is an investment bank and what is its role? ›

In essence, investment banks are a bridge between large enterprises and the investor. Their primary roles are to advise businesses and governments on how to meet their financial challenges and to help them procure financing, whether it be from stock offerings, bond issues, or derivative products.

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