Magic Deck Stats (2024)

1. deckstats

  • EDH / Commander Decks

  • Build and analyze your MTG deck. See deck price, mana curve, type distribution, color distribution, mana sources, card probabilities, proxies, ...


2. MTG Meta | Magic: The Gathering decks performance, matchups, stats ...

  • MTG Meta | Magic: The Gathering decks performance, matchups, stats and metagame analysis.

  • Magic: The Gathering decks performance, matchups, stats and metagame analysis.

MTG Meta | Magic: The Gathering decks performance, matchups, stats ...

3. - MTG Arena Deck Tracker and Analytics - MTG Arena Deck Tracker and Analytics

4. Metagame, Performance Statistics And Matchups Matrix - MTG Meta

  • magic the gathering decks performance, matchups, stats and metagame analysisstandard.

  • magic the gathering decks performance, matchups, stats and metagame analysisstandard

Metagame, Performance Statistics And Matchups Matrix - MTG Meta

5. Card Stats (Modern MTG Deck) - TappedOut

  • Creature (19) · 2x Blinding Angel · 4x Magus of the Moat · 2x Silent Arbiter · 4x Stoic Angel · 4x Wall of Essence · 3x Windborn Muse ...

  • This is a bant control deck based of of The deck. Who knows maybe you'll make a ...

Card Stats (Modern MTG Deck) - TappedOut

6. MTG Traditional Standard Deck Statistics - AetherHub

MTG Traditional Standard Deck Statistics - AetherHub

7. How to Get Personal Stats for MTG Arena - Draftsim

  • Dec 17, 2021 · Match data is right at the beginning in the Arena Tutor's Match Summary. You can find BO1 and BO3 match data here and filter it by format. It ...

  • MTGA has been the bread and butter of Magic for a while now. It offers a lot of options for players to shake it up, but you don’t get a lot of stats from the game itself. Why is this a big deal? How can it be improved? Let’s find out!

How to Get Personal Stats for MTG Arena - Draftsim

8. MTG Arena Tool - MTG Arena deck tracker and statistics manager

  • MTG Arena Tool is a collection browser, a deck tracker and a statistics manager. Explore which decks you played against and what other players are brewing.

  • MTG Arena Tool is a collection browser, a deck tracker and a statistics manager. Explore which decks you played against and what other players are brewing. mtgatool is all about improving your MTGA experience.

MTG Arena Tool - MTG Arena deck tracker and statistics manager

9. MTGA Card Statistics -

  • MTGA Card StatisticsMTGA Cards ; Niv-Mizzet, Supreme · 50.2% · 55.9% ; Terisian Mindbreaker · 62.7% · 60.1% ; Leyline Binding · 57.4% · 54.0% ; Overwhelming Remorse · 54.0 ...

  • See build, game play and mulligan statistics for each MTG Arena card.

MTGA Card Statistics -

10. Guildpact | A seamless stats tracking tool for Magic The Gathering™

  • Guildpact is a stats tracking tool for Magic The Gathering ™. Log all your epic games and see how your decks stack up in your playgroup.

  • Log all your epic games and see how your decks stack up in your playgroup.

Magic Deck Stats (2024)


What is the perfect MTG deck ratio? ›

Conventional wisdom is to have 40% of a deck being mana (16/40 in Limited, 24/60 in Constructed, 40/100 in Highlander), but curve, mana sinks, and game plan may shift it up to 50% or down to 30%.

What is the best number of cards for a magic deck? ›

Deck size requirements are important. Debate has arisen about having more than 60 cards in an MTG deck. Benefits of sticking to the minimum: — Consistency is improved.

How many of each type of card should be in a magic deck? ›

For a ratio on how many of each card type to include in a deck, you're looking at about 36 playables like creatures and spells to 24 lands. Of those 36 playables you should split it down the middle between creatures and spells.

What percentage of MTG deck should be land? ›

To make sure you draw four lands in ten cards, you need to play at least 40 % lands. In a forty card deck, that means at least 16 land cards. If your important cards are five drops, and you want to play them on turn five, you need five lands in your first eleven cards – or 45% land.

What is a good ratio for a Commander deck? ›

The general categories and ratios are: Lands 34-40. Ramp 10-13. Card Draw 10.

What is the luckiest card in a 52 card deck? ›

The ace of spades (also known as the Spadille and Death Card) is traditionally the highest and most valued card in the deck of playing cards.

Should you always have 7 cards in magic? ›

Each player has a maximum hand size, which is normally seven cards. A player may have any number of cards in their hand, but as part of their cleanup step, the player must discard excess cards down to the maximum hand size.

What kind of MTG deck should I build? ›

Among suggestions for easy-to-build newcomer decks include setups where enemies have to constantly discard cards, extremely aggressive Mono Red and Blue builds, a control-oriented Blue setup, and a Blue/Red deck that is just a countdown to the enemy's destruction.

How many duplicates can you have in a magic deck? ›

In most Magic The Gathering formats, you can have up to four copies of any one card in your deck, except for basic lands, which you can have any number of. So, if you've got a favorite spell or creature, quadruple the fun!

What is the formula for building a deck in Magic: The Gathering? ›

A good formula for the number of lands in your 60-card deck, counting MDFCs partially in this fashion, is: 19.59 + 1.90 * average mana value of your spells – 0.28 * number of cheap card draw or mana ramp spells + 0.27 if you have a companion.

What is a good Magic deck ratio? ›

There are a number of ways the calculate or estimate this more specifically, but a quick rule of thumb is that basic mana should make up approximately one-third of their Magic: The Gathering deck, or 20 to 24 cards in a 60-card deck.

How many colors should be in a Magic deck? ›

You can include any number of the five MTG mana colours - Blue, Black, Green, Red and White - in your deck. A deck with a single colour is referred to as a mono-colour deck, while combinations of two, three, four or even all five colours have specific names based on which colours you include.

Is 36 lands enough in Commander? ›

Elder Dragon Highlander (EDH) or Commander players generally agree that you want somewhere between 32 and 42 lands in your deck. As a rule of thumb, it's safe to start at 36 lands and then adjust up or down based on your personal preferences and the curve of your deck.

How many creatures should be in a 60 card deck? ›

However, a general rule of thumb for a balanced deck is to have about 20 to 24 creatures. This allows for a good mix of creatures and non-creature spells, ensuring you have enough threats on the board while still having room for other important cards like spells, lands, and artifacts.

What is the ratio for a 60 card commander deck? ›

MTG's Commander decks, just like 60-card Constructed decks, should contain around 35% to 40% land cards -- though Commander decks tend to have a slightly higher ratio of lands, just in case.

What is the deck size rule for magic? ›

Constructed decks must contain a minimum of 60 cards. There is no maximum deck size. Players may have a sideboard of up to a maximum of 15 cards, and exchanges of cards between games are not required to be on a one-for-one basis, so long as the player adheres to the 60 card minimum deck size.

What is the ratio of a limited deck MTG? ›

A limited deck is normally 23 spells and 17 lands. This land to spell ratio is typically best in most Limited formats. This has a lot to do with two things - average mana cost of cards in your deck and the number of colours you are using.

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Name: Delena Feil

Birthday: 1998-08-29

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Hobby: Digital arts, Lacemaking, Air sports, Running, Scouting, Shooting, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.