How to Answer the "Why Our Bank?" Question in Interviews (2024)

How to Answer the "Why Our Bank?" Question in Interviews (1)

You’ve just finished investment banking application #57 for this year’s recruiting season.

It’s 3:14 AM, your eyes are glazing over, and you really wish this last bank would just ask for your resume/CV and cover letter and stop there…

But they don’t.

They have a list of questions for you to answer, somehow believing that they are “special” or “different.”

You look down at this list and want to slap yourself repeatedly as you see the first question:

“Why our bank?”

After having already attempted to answer this one in 17 previous interviews with 12 different banks, you really wish you could just skip over it or that there were some universally “good” answer.

But as with other silly questions, there really isn’t one…

Though there are some foolish answers that you definitely want to avoid.

And then there are incredibly dumb answers, which you really, really want to avoid.

Let’s break it down and see how you can best answer this nonsensical question:

Why This is a Dumb Question… But Why It Still Matters Anyway

It’s a silly question because most banks are very, very similar regardless of size, location, industry or deal focus, or any criteria like that.

You know… there’s a “Work hard, play hard” culture, crazy hours, lots of long hours spent revising pitch books 57 times, and so on.

It’s also a dumb question because you’re interested in their bank for simple reasons: because they gave you an interview(or a potential interview) and because finance is a prestigious industry where you can make a lot of money.

A banker asking this question of you is like a supermodel asking Fogell why he’s “interested” in going on a date with her: because she is the most attractive woman that has ever shown interest in him.

As you’ll see below, this question can be more meaningful in other industries where companies are actually… different, but we’re just dealing with banks for now.

Oh yeah, and unlike other dumb questions such as the “greatest weakness” one, there isn’t even a real answer here that differs from candidate to candidate.

But your answer to this question still matters.

If you say something dumb, it could ruin an otherwise good interview and stall your momentum.

And if you say something that’s at least somewhat decent or “less bad,” your answer could confirm what the interviewer is already thinking: that you’re a good candidate to win the offer.

It matters for the same reason that avoiding screw-ups matters for bonuses at the analyst and associate levels in finance: sometimes, the job is more about not screwing up than doing anything right.

Oh, and more cynically: much of what you do in the industry involves BSing people when you don’t have a real answer – whether it’s your MD or a client.

So if you can’t even bluff your way through this question, what hope do you have with well-informed CEOs?

What Are They Really Looking for with This Question?

My snarky opinion on this one is “Nothing” because this question reflects a lazy interviewer more than anything else.

But if I were pressed to give real answers, they would be:

  1. Evidence that you’ve networked with people at this firm already and can drop a few names.
  2. Evidence that you’ve researched recent news and deal activity for the bank.

You already know how to do #1, or at least I hope you do, from all the networking coverage on this site.

If you don’t understand how to use tools like your alumni database and LinkedIn to do that, click this link and read everything under “Networking” because I’m not going to repeat it here.

The main point for this interview question is that you need names of specific people, and ideally their locations and titles, if you want to point to your networking efforts in an interview.

For #2, your best source is the WSJ Deal Blog. Go there, type in the name of the bank you’re interviewing with, and you should find some recent stories and deals they’ve advised on.

Getting actual league tables can be tricky and it’s not necessarily a great use of time. If you want a summary view of what different banks are doing, though, check out:

How to Answer “Why Our Bank?” Anyway

It’s not very complicated if you follow both of the points above. An “acceptable” answer in an interview might be something like:

“I’m interested in your bank because I’ve met quite a few people there already, including [Person Name 1], a VP in the New York office, and [Person Name 2], a Senior Associate in the San Francisco office, at an information session last month, and I’ve gotten along well with all of them. Also, I noticed you’ve been advising on lots of cross-border natural resources M&A deals lately, like [Company X]’s [$Y billion] acquisition of [Company Z], and I’m really interested in oil, gas, and mining and working on deals there.”

If you’re in Europe and you’re writing this answer during an assessment center or as part of your competency questions, you may have to shorten this response due to strictly enforced word / character count limits, but if you’re reading this article you’re smart enough to figure out how to do that.

But I Haven’t Networked with Anyone There / I Can’t Find Out Anything About the Bank!

If you really haven’t spoken with anyone at the bank before, then no, don’t lie about it and claim that you have. This is fairly easy for banks to detect and it can only hurt you if you make up names, meetings, or informational interviews.

Instead, you’ll have to rely more on research and recent deals that the bank has advised on.

And if you can’t find either of those, then either it’s the most secretive bank in the universe or you don’t know how to use Google.

Remember that banks are sell-side institutions, so they have no incentive to hide the deals they advise on – theywant to market themselves.

Claiming ignorance might be a little more acceptable in hedge fund recruiting since so many funds are incredibly secretive, but it’s a poor excuse in IB interviews.

Other Answers

You could use other approaches here, such as talking about how a bank’s “strategy” is different from those of similar banks – expansion into a certain region or a flatter hierarchy, for example – but you need to be extremely certain of what you’re talking about or the interviewer will call you on it.

It’s easier to look up recent deal activity than it is to verify the bank’s “overarching strategy,” so these answers can be riskier.

How to Answer the "Why Our Bank?" Question in Interviews (2)

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What to Avoid

More interesting is what to avoid when answering this question.

For my own amusem*nt, I searched online for suggestions on how to answer this question just before I started writing this article… and some of the suggested answers were shockingly bad – or sometimes just shockingly mediocre:

  1. Say you like “the culture” – this is way too vague, sorry, especially since most banks have the same culture. If you want to use this argument, you need to back it up with names.
  2. Say that “the people are smart and hard-working” – again, way too vague. Yes, sometimes bulge bracket banks hire stupid and lazy people, but most employees are the opposite.
  3. Say that “you applied everywhere” – do I really need to explain why this one is dumb?
  4. Say that you want “exposure to bigger and more complex deals” (if it’s a boutique to bulge bracket move) – Not as dumb as the other answers, but a little too vague for my liking.
  5. Say that you want “more hands-on client interaction” (if it’s a bulge bracket to boutique move) – Same issue as in #4 above – not a horrible answer, but you could make the same argument for almost any bank you’re interviewing with.

If your other interview and/or application answers are good, you have a great story, and you nail your technical questions, stating one of the answers above won’t sink your chances – well, except for #3 maybe – but why leave something as simple as this to chance?

The More Interesting Version

Slightly more interesting variations of this question include “Why our group?” and/or “Why our team?”

“Group” or “Team” could equal , Leveraged Finance, Debt Capital Markets, Equity Capital Markets, or industry groups such as Healthcare, Technology, or Mining.

The same strategy applies: cite the people you’ve met in this group and the recent deals the group has advised on.

Do you need to have networked with people in this specific group, or do you need to know deals that this specific group has done?


It helps if you have or you do, of course – but you could just say that you’ve met people at this bank or that you know of deals that this bank has done, and then tie your interest back to your work experience and background:

  • You’re really interested in DCM because you previously worked at a state government agency going through a budget crisis due to high debt levels and required interest payments, and now you want to see how debt financing works on the corporate side.
  • One of your cousins is in the oil & gas business in Texas and just sold one of his oil fields, which made you interested in learning more about and working on natural resource deals.
  • You want to work in M&A because your family consists of serial killers and you’d like to continue the tradition of murdering dozens of people each year (this one was inserted to see if you’re still awake – please don’t actually use it).

You get the idea.

In Other Settings and Industries…

More broadly, the “Why Our Firm?” question is more interesting and relevant in areas like private equity, hedge funds, and venture capital because… wait for it… those firms CAN actually be different from each other.

Most of these buy-side funds tend to have a specific industry focus, a deal/investment size focus, or, for hedge funds, a specific trading strategy.

Also, while “the culture” is mostly the same at large banks, it can vary tremendously at these smaller investment firms because it’s heavily tied to the PM.

So it’s your job to research these factors in advance – yes, it’s easier for PE and VC – and then link the industry/strategy they focus on to your own experience.

If you’re interviewing for, say, a tech private equity firm but you’ve only worked in the healthcare group in banking before, you just need to be “creative” with your explanation:

“Sure. I’m very interested in technology companies because many of the healthcare companies I worked with relied heavily on new technology and were in the midst of upgrading all their systems, so it impacted me directly and we actually analyzed a few healthcare IT companies. On my own, I’ve also done some investing in my own portfolio in the tech space and, as one of the key growth areas in the economy, it’s especially interesting to me.”

That just explains why you’re interested in tech – after that, you would then go on to state all the usual reasons about why you want to do PE.

The key point is that you should tie your response to something you’ve done in the past, as opposed to a simple “interest” you have.

For example, working on a related deal or researching a related industry or investing all count as “doing” – just “liking” something or thinking it’s “interesting” count as… “not doing.”

Why Our Bank?

It’s the (specific names of) people! And the deals!

And please, nothing about “the culture” or “the smart and hard-working people.”

Unless you want to use the interviewer’s reaction to you as your answer to the “Greatest Failure” question in your next interview, of course.

Want More?

If you want more help preparing for investment banking interviews, check out:

  • Investment Banking Interview Questions and Answers: The Definitive Guide
  • The Investment Banking Superday Interview: How to Conquer the Final Step of the Recruiting Process
  • The HireVue Interview: Full Preparation Guide
  • Investment Banking Fit Questions: How to Use the Rule of 3 for Quick and Efficient Prep

Finally, note that no two candidates will answer this question the exact same way.

If you want professional help crafting your answer to this very important question, our friends at Wall Street Mastermind might be able to help you out.

Their students have gotten offers from every bulge bracket and elite boutique bank on Wall Street, and their team of coaches includes a former Global Head of Recruiting at three different large banks, so you’ll know exactly what banks are looking for in candidates.

They provide personalized, hands-on guidance through the entire networking and interview process, and they have a great track record of results for their clients.

You can book a free consultation with them to learn more.

How to Answer the "Why Our Bank?" Question in Interviews (2024)


How to Answer the "Why Our Bank?" Question in Interviews? ›

Sample Answer:

The banking industry is lucrative and plays an important role in our economy. It offers challenging roles and opportunities to develop skills and knowledge. The dynamic nature of the industry and its relevance in the economic scenario is why I want to pursue a career in the banking sector.

How to answer why banking in an interview? ›

Sample Answer:

The banking industry is lucrative and plays an important role in our economy. It offers challenging roles and opportunities to develop skills and knowledge. The dynamic nature of the industry and its relevance in the economic scenario is why I want to pursue a career in the banking sector.

Why do I want to work at a bank answer? ›

"I am interested in banking because it's a good match for my hard-working and highly ambitious nature. I have always enjoyed pushing myself and being part of an environment that celebrates hard work. Being surrounded by intelligent, driven peers also inspires me to do my best work.

Why do you think this bank is a good fit for your skills? ›

Answer- I believe I am a good fit for this industry since it demands both attitude and aptitude. The banking industry is a well-organized and rational domain. It also requires competent communicators with high customer service abilities, strong leadership qualities, and an analytical approach.

Why would you be a good fit for this position bank teller? ›

Emphasize your interest in finance, customer service, and your ability to work with numbers and handle cash accurately. You can mention your desire to work in a professional environment and provide excellent service to customers.

Why should we hire you in a bank answer? ›

Example: “I feel that a career in the financial industry would be the most beneficial use of my knowledge and skills in accounting and problem-solving. I have always been fascinated by the financial world, am ambitious and hard-working and can bring great value to your company.”

Why should I hire you? ›

A: When answering, focus on your relevant skills, experience, and achievements that make you the best fit for the role.You should hire me because I am a hard worker who wants to help your company succeed. I have the skills and experience needed for the job, and I am eager to learn and grow with your team .

How to pass a bank interview? ›

Make sure to gather as much information you can, not just about the bank but also about the role you have applied for. Newspapers and magazines also are a good source of information. Make sure to read them as well. Also research and learn about banking terminology: the various terms used in a banking system.

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We shape our culture with intention, and we're focused on creating a workplace where every person is celebrated for speaking up, sharing ideas and trying new things. A workplace that values open communication, diverse experiences and lessons learned through discovery and collaboration.

What is your strength and weakness in a bank interview? ›

For instance, you might say, "One of my strengths is my meticulous nature, helping ensure accuracy in complex financial tasks. Conversely, I acknowledge that I can be too detail-oriented at times, potentially slowing productivity.

What makes you a good fit for this role? ›

💡 Example answer

My skill set matches all the requirements laid out in the job description. In particular, my ability to work to tight deadlines and manage my time effectively make me a good fit for the role.

Why did you choose banking as your career? ›

Banking is a lucrative career option that offers a range of benefits, including job security, career growth opportunities, attractive compensation, diverse job roles, exposure to the latest technologies, and opportunities for professional development.

How to answer why did you choose our bank? ›

How to answer the "Why our bank?" interview question
  1. Research the bank. ...
  2. Highlight your core values. ...
  3. Explain your career goals. ...
  4. Showcase your skills. ...
  5. Describe how you can contribute. ...
  6. Build a connection.
Jun 24, 2022

Why do I think I am the best fit for this position? ›

“I believe I'm the best fit for this job because of the skills and expertise I've gained in [FIELD/INDUSTRY] over the past [NUMBER] years. I think my solid foundation of skills coupled with my passion for learning and innovating, can help me thrive in this role and benefit [COMPANY NAME] at the same time.

How do you handle stress and pressure as a bank teller? ›

  1. 1 Plan ahead. One way to cope with stress and pressure is to plan ahead and prepare for your fund transfer tasks. ...
  2. 2 Stay focused. ...
  3. 3 Communicate effectively. ...
  4. 4 Manage your time. ...
  5. 5 Learn from feedback. ...
  6. 6 Practice self-care. ...
  7. 7 Here's what else to consider.
Jun 11, 2023

Why do I want to be in banking? ›

Joining the banking industry offers stability, diverse career paths, attractive compensation, skill development, and the chance to significantly impact the economy and society.

Why do you want to work in personal banking? ›

I have excellent communication skills , and I am good at solving problems and making decisions under pressure, and I believed that I could use these skills to give people good financial advice and help them reach financial security, so a career as a personal banker sounded rewarding."

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Name: Terrell Hackett

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Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.