Discuss the similarities and differences between the CML and SML as models of the risk-return tradeoff. Is one model better than the other when evaluating a well-diversified portfolio? Explain. | Homework.Study.com (2024)


Business Finance Security market line


Discuss the similarities and differences between the CML and SML as models of the risk-return tradeoff. Is one model better than the other when evaluating a well-diversified portfolio? Explain.


The capital market line (CML) is a graphical representation for portfolios' risk and return tradeoff while the security market line (SML) models the same for both securities and portfolios under equilibrium and efficient market notion.

Answer and Explanation:1

The similarities between the CML and SML as models of the risk-return tradeoff are that both are a graphical representation of risk-return...

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Discuss the similarities and differences between the CML and SML as models of the risk-return tradeoff. Is one model better than the other when evaluating a well-diversified portfolio? Explain. | Homework.Study.com (1)

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The Security Market Line: Definition & Uses


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Discuss the similarities and differences between the CML and SML as models of the risk-return tradeoff. Is one model better than the other when evaluating a well-diversified portfolio? Explain. | Homework.Study.com (2024)
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