CDs Sound Better Than Vinyl, and Every Other Reason I Still Buy Them in 2024 (2024)

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CD sales are on the rise again, and for good reason. In fact, there are a lot of good reasons.

CDs Sound Better Than Vinyl, and Every Other Reason I Still Buy Them in 2024 (1)Charday Penn / Getty Images

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It’s 2024 and streaming makes up more than 84 percent of the music industry. But there’s still a lot of love for physical audio formats. Vinyl is in a huge resurgence, of course, with sales growing year after year since 2005. In 2023, more than 41 million LPs were sold in the U.S. alone.

As for CDs, well, you might be surprised that people are still listening to them. In fact, I’m one of them. After being in a steady decline since 2000, CD sales are actually rising. Last, almost 37 million CDs were sold —up nearly three percent year over year.

Here are all the reasons I collect CDs and think you should, too.

1. CDs sound better than vinyl

One of the great myths in the audio world is that vinyl sounds better than CDs. It’s just not true.

Don’t get me wrong. I love vinyl’s warm analog sound, specifically its crackling and other imperfections. And there’s the visceral experience of actually dropping the needle on a spinning record.

But CDs are simply the best sounding physical audio format. Compared to vinyl, CDs are able to produce a wider dynamic range and more bass. Plus, they’re not going to skip (unless they’re scratched).

2. CDs sound better than streaming files, too

If you’re streaming music from the likes of Spotify, Apple Music or Tidal, you’re listening to a compressed music file. That means that the audio data is being stored in less space, which results in a loss of information and the music isn’t going to sound as vibrant or as complete. MP3, AAC, WMA are all types of compressed music files.

CDs Sound Better Than Vinyl, and Every Other Reason I Still Buy Them in 2024 (3)Photo by Henry Phillips

The best compressed digital music files are referred to as lossless because they don’t lose information, but only a few streaming services are able to play lossless or CD-quality audio — such as Tidal, Amazon Music HD and Apple Music — and those require a subscription and can be pretty expensive.

3. CDs are significantly cheaper than vinyl

If you’re looking for a superior audio format, CDs are the best deal you’re likely to get. To be frank, they’re cheap to buy. Audio shops and retailers are practically giving away used CDs, while new CDs are usually in the $12 to $15 price range.

If you’re looking for vinyl, on the other hand, a new record will likely cost twice as much as that. Also, there’s the resale value of CDs and vinyl. It might not be much, but you can sell your old records and CDs online or to record shops. If you buy a digital song, like an mp3 file, there’s no resale value.

4. CD booklets are underrated

In this streaming age, the album artwork seems to be more of an afterthought (to consumers, at least). Sure, you see a little picture of the album cover when you’re listening to a song, but you’re missing the story of the album.

CDs Sound Better Than Vinyl, and Every Other Reason I Still Buy Them in 2024 (4)Cambridge Audio

The 12×12 album cover of a vinyl record is still the gold standard, but the little booklet that comes with each CD, highlighting some behind the scenes shots or interesting artwork, and showing the lyrics to each song, is a nice middle ground between having to rely on digital images and having to store giant vinyl records.

As a kid, I always enjoyed getting a CD and flipping through the booklet — something I still try to do. I think it makes you feel more connected to the music.

5. Artists still release CDs of their new albums

Yes, you can still buy the latest albums of modern artists as CDs. They are releasing their new albums in CD formats just like they are also releasing them vinyl.

You can buy these new CDs at pretty much any music shop. But if you’re struggling to find a CD of a specific artist, it’s worth going to their official website — a lot of artists and bands these days sell direct-to-consumers these days as well.

6. Audio companies are still releasing new CD players

The portable CD player is mostly a thing of the past, but, believe it or not, big-time audio companies are still releasing CD players for the home. Why? Because audiophiles are still craving them.

In the past few years, companies such as Cambridge Audio, Panasonic, McIntosh, Rotel and Sony have all released new CD players (or integrating them into digital streamers).

These players are a great option for people who have a large CD collection and don’t want to pay for a music server (or spend the time uploading all their entire CD library to it). Also, high-end CD players aren’t terribly expensive.

CDs Sound Better Than Vinyl, and Every Other Reason I Still Buy Them in 2024 (5)

Cambridge Audio AXC35 CD Player


A stylish, slim and simple CD player that will work with most amps.


Cambridge Audio
CDs Sound Better Than Vinyl, and Every Other Reason I Still Buy Them in 2024 (6)

Cambridge Audio AXA35 Integrated Amp


The perfect pairing with Cambridge Audio’s AXC35.


Cambridge Audio AXA35
CDs Sound Better Than Vinyl, and Every Other Reason I Still Buy Them in 2024 (7)

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The most affordable B&W speakers you can buy and they borrow from the company’s way more expensive speakers.


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KEF LS50 Meta


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CDs Sound Better Than Vinyl, and Every Other Reason I Still Buy Them in 2024 (2024)


Why are CDs better than vinyl? ›

The compact disc offers a better signal-to-noise ratio. Rumble — that low-frequency noise that's not part of the music and is created by the stylus running through the grooves of a record as well as vibration from the turntable motor — is pretty much non-existent with a CD.

Are CDs coming back in 2024? ›

With higher APYs and possible interest rate cuts coming, certificates of deposit (CDs) could be worth adding to your personal finances in 2024. CDs are safe investments when you put your money in FDIC-insured banks (or NCUA-insured credit unions).

Why do CDs sound so much better? ›

CD's are lossless waves meaning they offer better sound quality than MP3s when encoding audio into digital form. Whereas vinyl records lose some higher frequencies in conversion; thus CD's can get louder and deliver clear frequencies even at high volumes.

Do people still buy audio CDs? ›

CD sales are on the rise again, and for good reason. In fact, there are a lot of good reasons. It's 2024 and streaming makes up more than 84 percent of the music industry. But there's still a lot of love for physical audio formats.

Will CDs make a comeback like vinyl? ›

Is the long slide really over? According to music data compiler MRC Data, sales of CDs increased from 40.16 million units in 2020 to 40.59 million in 2021, marking the first time CD sales have increased on a year-over-year basis since 2004. During the same time, vinyl album sales increased by a massive 50.4%.

What lasts longer CDs or vinyl? ›

According to experts, vinyl records can last for hundreds, even thousands of years if stored properly. This is because vinyl is a durable material that can withstand wear and tear better than CDs. On the other hand, CDs are more susceptible to damage from scratches, dust, and exposure to sunlight.

Are CDs worth it in 2024? ›

CD Investing Pros and Cons in 2024

CDs can be a smart financial move at times, but not so great at others. In the past, other investments earned higher rates than even the best CDs could earn. But, in today's high-interest-rate environment, CDs might be a great option.

Are CDs going to be discontinued? ›

The end of the CD is a bit like the end of the world: People keep predicting it, but it has yet to happen. Of course, more and more people are turning to audio formats like MP3s that have no physical store medium. This allows people to compile vast music libraries on their computer hard drives or USB storage devices.

Will CDs become obsolete? ›

Although CDs have primarily been replaced by all-you-can-consume music streaming services, something interesting happened in 2021: CD sales rose for the first time in almost two decades, driving over $580 million in revenue for the music industry. While that pales in comparison to the $12.3 billion.

Do newer CD players sound better? ›

Newer players can sound great if you spend decent money. This is mostly due to improvements in DAC architecture, but that's about all that's improved in terms of Redbook CD playback. It's not easy to find great-sounding affordable players, and I've noticed that many newer players sound thin, etched and lack body.

Do remastered CDs sound better? ›

This is a contentious topic for ardent music fans who pay attention to audio quality. The annoying answer to this question is: sometimes original masters are better than remasters, and often remasters are technically better than original masters. It's also a matter of personal taste to some extent.

Do audiophiles use CD? ›

Absolutely. Vinyl, CDs and streaming. Each has its own use.

Do CDs have better sound quality than vinyl? ›

So, if we look purely at the technical aspects, CDs sound better than records, and if you were to go to recording and mastering forums, you would find that most mastering and recording engineers will confirm this. That doesn't mean that a record can't sound better to you. The sound we prefer is extremely personal.

Are CDs worth keeping anymore? ›

Absolutely! Although streaming and digital music are the most popular ways to listen these days, lots of people prefer the collectable nature and superior sound quality of CDs. This demand means that the vast majority of CDs are still worth something - and the amount you can make soon adds up!

Should I save my old CDs? ›

To begin with, CDs are significantly cheaper than vinyl, especially when you consider that for new chart releases, you'll be paying about twice as much for vinyl than a CD. The price drops even more if you spot a second-hand find in a thrift store.

Are CDs or vinyl better for the environment? ›

Estimates put the carbon footprint of an hour of media streaming at around 55 grams of CO2 equivalent, while CDs are over three times that, and vinyl and cassettes release over 2 kilograms of CO2 a unit. But the huge growth in our music consumption more than outweighs those savings.

When did CDs become more popular than vinyl? ›

In 1988, the CD surpassed the gramophone record in popularity. Vinyl records experienced a sudden decline in popularity between 1988 and 1991, when the major label distributors restricted their return policies, which retailers had been relying on to maintain and swap out stocks of relatively unpopular titles.

Do CDs have the best quality? ›

There's no question that CDs sound much better than MP3s. But the real downside of the CD is its lack of portability. And having to search through an extensive CD collection to find the song you want to listen to can be frustrating. High-Resolution Audio offers both quality and convenience.

Do CDs degrade faster than vinyl? ›

CDs, on the other hand, don't degrade through repeated playing since there's no physical contact happening. Since vinyl records need physical contact during playback, this means that any external factor can damage them and affect their sound quality.

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Author: Roderick King

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Author information

Name: Roderick King

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: 3782 Madge Knoll, East Dudley, MA 63913

Phone: +2521695290067

Job: Customer Sales Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Embroidery, Parkour, Kitesurfing, Rock climbing, Sand art, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.