Capital Investment: Types, Example, and How It Works (2024)

What Is Capital Investment?

Capital investment is the acquisition of physical assets by a company for use in furthering its long-term business goals and objectives. Real estate, manufacturing plants, and machinery are among the assets that are purchased as capital investments.

The capital used may come from a wide range of sources from traditional bank loans to venture capital deals.

Key Takeaways

  • Capital investment is the expenditure of money to fund a company's long-term growth.
  • The term often refers to a company's acquisition of permanent fixed assets such as real estate and equipment.
  • Capital assets are reported as non-current assets and most are depreciated.
  • The funds for capital investment can come from a number of sources, including cash on hand, though big projects are most often financed through obtaining loans or issuing stock.
  • Examples of capital investments are land, buildings, machinery, equipment, or software.

Capital Investment: Types, Example, and How It Works (1)

How Capital Investment Works

Capital investment is a broad term that can be defined in two distinct ways:

  • An individual, a venture capital group or a financial institution may make a capital investment in a business. The money can be provided as a loan or a share of the profits down the road. In this sense of the word, capital means cash.
  • The executives of a company may make a capital investment in the business. They buy long-term assets such as equipment that will help the company run more efficiently or grow faster. In this sense, capital means physical assets.

In either case, the money for capital investment must come from somewhere. A new company might seek capital investment from any number of sources, including venture capital firms, angel investors, or traditional financial institutions. When a new company goes public, it is acquiring capital investment on a large scale from many investors.

An established company might make a capital investment using its own cash reserves or seek a loan from a bank. It might issue bonds or stock shares in order to finance capital investment. There is no minimum or maximum capital investment. It can range from less than $100,000 in seed financing for a start-up to hundreds of millions of dollars for massive projects undertaken by companies in capital-intensive sectors such as mining, utilities, and infrastructure.

Capital investment is meant to benefit a company in the long run, but it nonetheless can have short-term downsides.

Capital Investments for Business

A decision by a business to make a capital investment is a long-term growth strategy. A company plans and implements capital investments in order to ensure future growth. Capital investments generally are made to increase operational capacity, capture a larger share of the market, and generate more revenue. The company may make a capital investment in the form of an equity stake in another company's complementary operations for the same purposes.

In many cases, capital investments are a necessary and normal part of an industry. Consider an oil-drilling company that relies on heavy machinery to extract raw materials to be processed. As opposed to a law firm that will have low-to-no capital investment requirements, capital-intensive businesses usually need specific assets in order to operate.

In addition, there are strategic components for a business to consider when deciding whether or not to invest in a capital asset. For instance, consider how certain heavy machinery such as a company vehicle could be leased. Should the company be willing to incur debt and tie up capital, the company may spend less money in the long-term by incurring a capital investment as opposed to a periodic "rental" expense.

Types of Capital Investments

Companies often acquire capital investments for diversification, modernization, or business expansion. This may mean buying capital investments different from existing aspects of its business or capital investments that simply do things better than before. Some specific types of capital investments include:

  • Land: Companies may buy bare land to be used for development or expansion.
  • Buildings: Companies may buy existing buildings for manufacturing, storage, production, or headquarter operations.
  • Assets Under Development: Companies may incur spending over time to assemble assets that may be capitalized. For example, a company can build its own building; the accumulation of charges may be considered a capital investment.
  • Furniture and Fixtures: Though furniture and fixtures may be more temporary in nature, certain aspects of accounting rules result in some overlap between FFE and capital investments.
  • Machines: Companies that invest in the production elements of making goods are making capital investments.
  • Software Development or Computing Devices: Companies more frequently invest capital to build software; these costs now commonly qualify for capitalization and amortization over time.

Because land does not deteriorate in a similar manner compared to other capital investments, it is not depreciated.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Capital Investments

Pros of Capital Investments

The advantages of capital investments can vary depending on the specific situation. However, most companies embark on capital investments for productivity. By investing in new equipment or technology, companies can improve their efficiency, thus lower costs and increasing output. These types of investments may also improve the quality of goods produced.

Capital investments can also lead to cost savings over time. For example, a new piece of equipment may be more energy-efficient than an older model, which can result in lower utility bills. Similarly, new technology may streamline processes and reduce the need for manual labor. Last, companies may decide the long-term discounted cash flow is favorable when comparing the upfront investment of a capital investment compared to the long-term, ongoing cash outlay of a recurring expense.

By investing in their long-term assets, companies can also gain a competitive advantage in the market. This can make it more difficult for competitors to catch up and can help the company to maintain its market position over the long term. If a company is willing to take a risk and incur a large investment to strengthen its business, this may create a barrier to entry that competitors can not overcome or compete against.

Cons of Capital Investment

The preferred option for capital investment is always a company's own operating cash flow, but that may not be sufficient to cover the anticipated costs. It is more likely the company will resort to outside financing. Therefore, there is usually a little more risk to capital investments. This is especially true for capital investments that are customized or hard to liquidate; once the company has bought the capital investment, it may be hard to exit the investment.

Capital investment is meant to benefit a company in the long run, but it nonetheless can have short-term downsides. Capital investments tends to reduce earnings growth in the short term, and that never pleases stockholders of a public company. This may be especially true for capital investments that also incur operating costs (i.e. the acquisition of land will be accompanied by a potentially hefty annual property tax assessment).

In addition, if a company does not have sufficient capital on hand to make a large investment, there are downsides to each of its financing options. Issuing additional stock shares, which is often the funding option for public companies, dilutes the value of its outstanding shares. Existing shareholders generally dislike finding that their stake in the company has been reduced. Alternatively, the total amount of debt a company has on the books is closely watched by stockholders and analysts. The payments on that debt can stifle the company's further growth.


  • May increase productivity if capital investment is more efficient than prior methods

  • May result in higher quality manufactured goods

  • May be cheaper in the long-run when compared against rented or monthly expensed solutions

  • May create a barrier to entry that yields a competitive advantage


  • May be too expensive for the company to outright purchase on their own.

  • May limit or restrict short-term profitability of the company

  • May be accompanied by additional operating expenses

  • May reduce the liquidity of the company should it be difficult to sell the capital asset

Accounting for Capital Investments

Accounting practices for capital investments involve recording the cost of the asset, allocating the cost over its useful life, and carrying the investment as the difference between cost and accumulated depreciation. The accounting treatment can vary depending on the type of asset, as land is not depreciated but many other capital investments are depreciated.

The cost of the asset should be recorded in the company's accounting records. This can include the purchase price of the asset as well as any additional costs related to the purchase such as installation or transportation costs. Companies may record the fair market value for certain capital investments under certain circ*mstances, but capital investments must initially be recorded at cost.

If the asset has a cost that meets the company's capitalization policy, the cost of the asset will be recorded as a capital asset on the balance sheet. This allows the company to spread the cost of the asset over its useful life and to recognize the expense over time. This is the primary difference between the assets mentioned earlier and normal operating costs, as operating costs are expensed in the period they are incurred while capital investment costs are spread over time.

The useful life of a capital investment is an estimate of the number of years that the asset will be used by the company. The depreciation method used will depend on the asset and the company's accounting policies, but commonly used methods include straight-line, declining balance, and sum-of-the-years'-digits. Companies may also record impairments to reduce the value of a capital investment should a loss be incurred. In addition, whereas operating expenses may simply be stopped, companies have a series of entries to post when a capital investment is disposed of.

Example of Capital Investment

As part of its year-end financial statements, reported the following assets it owned for fiscal year 2021 and 2022.

Capital Investment: Types, Example, and How It Works (2)

This format of the balance sheet is standard where assets are reported by liquidity starting with the most liquid assets. Because capital investments are not liquid, they are often reported lower in the list.

At year-end 2022, Amazon reported a net asset balance of $186.7 billion for property and equipment. This figure is net because capital investments, aside from land, are often depreciated and reported as their cost less any accumulated depreciation. Note that this $186.7 billion is also being excluded from current assets. Because of the long-term nature of capital investments, they are reported as noncurrent assets.

What Is an Example of a Capital Investment?

When a company buys land, that is often a capital investment. Because of the long-term nature of buying land and the illiquidity of the asset, a company usually needs to raise a lot of capital to buy the asset.

How Does a Capital Investment Work?

A capital investment works based on the benefits a company may receive over a long period of time compared to the short-term investment. In theory, a company will pay a large sum of money upfront (or over time). Then, the company will receive a benefit from the asset (potentially even after it has finished paying for it). The idea is a capital investment should provide better long-term value compared to a good or service that is being purchased and used in a single accounting period.

What Is the Largest Downside to a Capital Investment?

Companies must often make a long-term financial or legal commitment when buying capital investments. This means tying up cash, getting rid of flexibility, and taking a risk that may not pan out. Whereas a company can be more nimble by paying for something smaller, a company aims to leverage a single investment to scale growth or innovate. That growth or innovation may not materialize.

The Bottom Line

Companies may decide to make capital investments as a way to innovate, modernize, and capture a competitive advantage over its competitors. This investment often requires a large sum of money, and the company often receives an illiquid asset such as land, buildings, machinery, or equipment. The accounting treatment for capital investments if often different than operating outlays as capital investments are usually depreciated.

Capital Investment: Types, Example, and How It Works (2024)


Capital Investment: Types, Example, and How It Works? ›

Key Takeaways

What are examples of capital investments? ›

Types of Capital Investments
  • Real Estate. The real estate category includes purchasing or leasing land and buildings for commercial or industrial purposes. ...
  • Machinery and Equipment. ...
  • Technology and Software. ...
  • Intellectual Property. ...
  • Industry Trends. ...
  • Competitive Landscape. ...
  • Risk Assessment. ...
  • Market Analysis.
Dec 14, 2023

How does investment capital work? ›

Invested capital is the total amount of money a company raises through the sale of shares and the issuance of bonds; a mix of both equity and debt financing. A company can have either all equity financing, all debt financing, or a combination of both.

What are the examples of invested capital? ›

Invested capital is the funds invested in a business during its life by shareholders, bond holders, and lenders. This can include non-cash assets contributed by shareholders, such as the value of a building contributed by a shareholder in exchange for shares or the value of services rendered in exchange for shares.

What is an example of a capital investment project? ›

Some examples of capital projects include roads, railways, manufacturing plants, nuclear power plant construction, power transmission, and electrical distribution. The consistent element of these projects is the amount of planning is substantive and the benefits are seen long-term, rather than immediately.

What are the examples of working capital investment? ›

For example, say a company has $100,000 of current assets and $30,000 of current liabilities. The company is therefore said to have $70,000 of working capital. This means the company has $70,000 at its disposal in the short term if it needs to raise money for a specific reason.

What is considered a capital investment? ›

Capital investment is the process of investing money in long-term assets to create future benefits, such as increased revenue, reduced costs, or improved productivity. It can involve buying new equipment, building a new facility, or acquiring another company.

How do capital investors get paid? ›

Venture capitalists make money in two ways. The first is a management fee for managing the firm's capital. The second is carried interest on the fund's return on investment, generally referred to as the “carry.”

What are capital investment methods? ›

There are several capital budgeting analysis methods that can be used to determine the economic feasibility of a capital investment. They include the Payback Period, Discounted Payment Period, Net Present Value, Profitability Index, Internal Rate of Return, and Modified Internal Rate of Return.

How do you fund capital investment? ›

Get the capital raise checklist
  1. Fund it yourself. It might not sound ideal, but dipping into your personal savings is probably the easiest way to raise capital for a startup. ...
  2. Business loan. ...
  3. Crowdfunding. ...
  4. Angel investment. ...
  5. Personal contacts. ...
  6. Venture capitalist. ...
  7. Private equity.

How does investment work? ›

Investing is buying assets such as shares, unit trusts, or property with the expectation that your investment will make money for you. Investments usually achieve long-term goals. Investments can make your money work for you, and help you to create and preserve wealth.

What is an example of total capital investment? ›

The funds for capital investment can come from a number of sources, including cash on hand, though big projects are most often financed through obtaining loans or issuing stock. Examples of capital investments are land, buildings, machinery, equipment, or software.

What are three types of capital? ›

Bourdieu's capital theory argues that different capitals owned by individuals can determine their positions in the social stratification structure, and further influence the pattern of social behaviors. More specifically, there are three forms of capital, namely economic, social, and cultural capital.

How does capital investment work? ›

Capital investment is the amount invested in a company to enhance its business objectives. Also, the individual/entity can earn an income or recover the invested capital from earnings generated by the company over the years.

What is the largest downside to a capital investment? ›

Capital investment has its own disadvantages. While capital investment is made to improve a company's cash flow in operations, it may sometimes be insufficient to cover the expected costs. In such cases, the company could be forced to borrow funds from an external financier to cover for the miscalculations.

What is an example of a capital investment decision? ›

Long-term assets can include investments such as the purchase of new equipment, the replacement of old machinery, the expansion of operations into new facilities, or even the expansion into new products or markets.

What are capital investing activities? ›

Investing activities include purchases of physical assets, investments in securities, or the sale of securities or assets. Negative cash flow from investing activities might not be a bad sign if management is investing in the long-term health of the company.

Which is an example of investment in capital goods? ›

These items, often known as property, plant, and equipment (PP&E) for accounting purposes, are significant investments for companies and usually appear as assets on their balance sheets. Examples include plants, office buildings, manufacturing machinery, and vehicles.

What are the three examples of capital? ›

What Are Examples of Capital? Any financial asset that is being used may be capital. The contents of a bank account, the proceeds of a sale of stock shares, or the proceeds of a bond issue all are examples. The proceeds of a business's current operations go onto its balance sheet as capital.

What are some examples of capital assets? ›

Capital assets are significant pieces of property such as homes, cars, investment properties, stocks, bonds, and even collectibles or art. For businesses, a capital asset is an asset with a useful life longer than a year that is not intended for sale in the regular course of the business's operation.

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